Our Team

Physics – Electrical Engineering
L. Bochtler – P. Hörauf – W. Send
Medicine – Chemistry – Biology – Education
B. Bochtler – Dr. W. Heimler – A. Müller
Scientific photography
Stefan Diller


Curator / Conservator/
Extended Board of Directors
Lukas Bochtler
Email: lbochtler@protonmail.ch
Phone: +49 (0)1575 8813101
Scientific ConsultantsDr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Heimler: More than 30 years of experience in electron microscopy in research and education. FAU, Biology (retired)
EducationAndreas Müller: High school teacher in Biology and Chemistry. Experience in integrating electron microscopy into educational institutions. (retired)

Board of Directors

Stefan DillerPhotographer and Electron Microscopist for more than 35 years.
Inventor of the nanoflight®system for motion pictures in the SEM.
Philipp Hörauf
Engineer in the Field of Power electronics, employed at the Fraunhofer IISB Erlangen. Focus on the repair and maintenance of electron microscopes, with extensive experience in electronics and electro-mechanical systems.
Brigitte Bochtler
Friedrich-Alexander University, Medical Faculty – Experience in Research, Teaching, and Laboratory Activities (retired); Focus on Organization, Administration, and Marketing.

Founding Members

additional founding members not mentioned above

Prof. Bernhard WolfHeinz-Nixdorf Chair of Biomedical Electronics
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology TU Munich
Dr. Ingrid BrehmDepartment of Biology (FAU)
Winfried Send Dipl. -Phys (retired)
Laboratorium for Electron Microscopy
Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT)
Dr. Sigfried RichterIn memoriam, † March 2023
Medical Doctor and Dentist